The Benefits of Houseplants and How to Care For Them

Houseplants can bring many advantages to any home, but it’s essential that you know how to care for them properly. Plants require water in order to thrive, so make sure they get an adequate supply.
Water your plants when the soil is dry but not wilted, using room temperature tap water so as not to shock their roots.
They Clean the Air
Houseplants purify the air through photosynthesis, transpiration and evapotranspiration. Through these processes, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen, increase humidity levels, and remove toxins from the atmosphere.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are common indoor pollutants, which can be released from paints, carpeting, wallpaper and even household cleaners like bleach and ammonia. Some VOCs may even pose health risks so it’s essential to limit their exposure and keep your home clean.
NASA conducted a 1989 study to test the ability of certain plants to eliminate three common indoor pollutants from sealed chambers in a lab setting. They discovered that certain varieties could effectively eliminate benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from these enclosed spaces.
They Increase Humidity
Houseplants add humidity to the air through transpiration, which absorbs water from their leaves and soil. This natural process allows them to thrive in any climate or climate conditions.
If you want to increase the humidity in your home, group plants together. Doing so will create a more humid microclimate for all of them, especially if they all need similar levels of humidity.
Placing them in rooms likely to get extra moisture, such as a kitchen or bathroom, is another wise idea. This strategy works especially well during winter when your house may feel dryer than usual due to running the furnace all day long.
Some plants require higher humidity levels than others, so be sure to understand their individual requirements. A simple way to increase the humidity around your plant is by misting it regularly.
They Relieve Stress
Houseplants add a natural, relaxing element to your home. Studies have revealed that they improve air quality, reduce stress, boost productivity and even boost creativity.
Plants also increase oxygen levels and reduce air pollutants, especially formaldehyde. This can be especially beneficial to individuals suffering from anxiety or mental health issues.
Some plants, like ferns, have the capacity to filter out air pollutants like formaldehyde and xylene. This is especially helpful for people suffering from anxiety as these chemicals can have a major negative effect on their emotions.
Many people struggle to choose the ideal type of plant for their home, but fortunately most species are easy to care for and maintain.
It is essential to avoid overwatering your plants. Overwatering is the leading cause of houseplant death and can lead to root rot. Instead, water from below using a saucer or mist them frequently with an atomizer.
They Generate Happiness
Houseplants can bring happiness by inducing positive feelings and increasing our perception of well-being. This is likely due to their soothing foliage.
Research also indicates that plants may reduce stress hormone levels and blood pressure, contributing to a better mood and reduced risks of depression.
Houseplants not only reduce stress levels, but they can also boost concentration and productivity. A study conducted by Texas A&M University demonstrated that working in the presence of plants improved memory retention and sharpened focus.
Maintain the health of your houseplants by watering them regularly and providing them with ample sunlight. Avoid overwatering and placing them in dark corners; for best results, place them in pots with drainage holes.