Characteristics of Mediterranean Houses

There are some common characteristics of Mediterranean houses that make them attractive. One of the most obvious is their simple design. This style is characterized by geometric formations that are arranged in a specific order. In addition, the walls and ceilings are made of terracotta or other earth-toned colors. The windows are rectangular and feature arches on the upper side. The window frames are often accented with profile trim.
Generally speaking, Mediterranean homes have high ceilings, which allow air to flow throughout the house during warm weather. Although there are some houses with flagged or stone floors, they are relatively uncommon. The floors of most Mediterranean houses are tiled and are typically colored or laid in elaborate patterns. Mediterranean properties also have small balconies, typically off bedrooms. They are typically decorated in earth tones and have accents of rich jewel colors.
Aside from the warm color scheme, other Mediterranean house features include warm woods and accessories. These items must serve their purpose. Too many decorative details can overwhelm the space. The simple, functional style of Mediterranean houses is synonymous with simplicity and unpretentiousness. Incorporating creative elements into the design, such as fabric and wall texture, is key to achieving a Mediterranean look. There are many ways to replicate the look of a Mediterranean home.
Traditional Mediterranean houses are works of vernacular architecture. They are designed by local communities, and rely on the shape and material of the rock upon which they are built. This style has also been influential throughout Western Asia. For example, Frigiliana Village, located in the southern Costa del Sol, is a classic example of a Mediterranean house. Its rounded arches and low ceilings make it possible to build three or four stories on the same plot of land.
The design of Mediterranean houses differs among each country. The different cultures and styles that are prominent in different regions of the Mediterranean influence the style. Ceramics are often used as building materials. Natural stone is also used to create carved porches. Contemporary Mediterranean homes are also commonly found in Los Angeles, including Beverly Hills. They are often symmetrical and use lots of wood in their interiors. And if you are interested in a Mediterranean house design, don’t miss out on these characteristics!
The roof and the windows of Mediterranean houses vary. Some are tall, while others are low, which means they have a lower roof. Classic Mediterranean houses often have an arched roof window to add height to the structure. Their roofs are made of large white brackets. Front porches are covered with large columns spanned by arches and draw the viewer into the house. On the other hand, a more modest Mediterranean house will have a stucco facade with white framed clean-line windows and red barrel tiles.
The design of Mediterranean homes tends toward colors inspired by the sun. The colors used can reflect the sea, lush vegetation, and warm sands. While many European countries have traditional designs, these countries also have modern touches that make these homes unique. The overall design of Mediterranean houses often features open air spaces and a combination of interior and exterior areas. In addition, it often incorporates Venetian plaster. There are certain common characteristics of Mediterranean houses.