Choosing the Right Bathroom Tiles

Tiles come in an assortment of designs and styles to complement any bathroom decor, yet selecting tiles that provide adequate water resistance and maintenance can be daunting task.
Water resistance is essential in bathrooms due to humid and wet environments, so when selecting tiles look for ones with protective coatings that resist staining and water. Glazed tiles that feature such coatings should also provide adequate water-resistance properties.
Ceramic tile adds both beauty and practicality to a room when used on walls or floors, being impervious to moisture while standing up well against stains – perfect for bathrooms!
This material is non-allergenic and won’t trap odors or absorb bacteria – making it an excellent choice for homes with children or pets.
Ceramic tile floors add a budget-conscious, contemporary master bath with soft gray painted cabinetry a subtle finish that draws its inspiration from furnishings, shower curtain patterns, accessories and rug colors and patterns in this room.
Marble is an ageless natural stone and an ideal choice for bathrooms. Its clean appearance complements most design styles, while less likely to appear dated than some trendy choices.
With their distinctive veined patterns and range of colors to suit any wall color or bathroom furniture design, tiles with their veining patterns offer visual interest in any room.
Marble tiles must be regularly sealed as their porous structure absorbs liquid stains or becomes damaged by acidic solutions. To preserve their beauty and extend their lifespan, install your floors and shower benches on an angle so that water drains off instead of sitting on their surfaces.
Pebble bathroom tiles combine elegance with organic charm for an atmosphere of relaxation. Their smooth stones offer a massaging-like sensation underfoot while complimenting a variety of design styles ranging from soothing neutrals to vibrant browns.
Pebble tile can add an element of the natural world into any interior space, adding natural charm. Sliced pebbles provide an even flatter surface allowing this versatile material to also be used outdoors for outdoor showers, pool and spa water edges, pillars or other purposes.
Stone pebble tile comes pre-mounted on mesh-mounted sheets for effortless DIY installation, making this project suitable for walls and tub surrounds as well.
Terracotta flooring creates an earthy vibe in any space while remaining refined and refined at once. Terracotta can create an intimate feel while remaining durable underfoot.
Terracotta tiles that remain in their natural, unglazed state can become susceptible to mold and stain formation over time, so sealing them periodically may help protect it. To do this successfully.
Our authentic terracotta tiles are formed by hand into wooden molds and fired at low temperatures, contributing to their long-term durability. Le sol Terracotta Collection takes this traditional method one step further by applying it in modern settings; thus combining centuries-old craftsmanship with cutting-edge design.
Granite is an exceptionally strong and resilient natural material suitable for floors, worktops and other surfaces in your home. It can withstand heavy traffic for years with proper care.
Granite tiles add an air of luxury and water-resistance to a bathroom, making it the perfect addition for shower walls and floors, countertops, backsplashes and backsplashes.
Granite floor tiles come in many colors and finishes to meet any decor style imaginable, from soft grey hues that promote relaxation spaces to bold shades that bring drama to kitchens or living rooms. Although granite tiles may be expensive upfront, their lasting durability will increase home values over time.
Mosaic bathroom tiles provide endless opportunities to transform any space into something truly exceptional and decorative. Composed of small pieces of glass, ceramic, marble, or natural stone arranged into patterns in order to form pictures, mosaic tiles are a time-honored decorative technique used in flooring, walls, and backsplashes alike.
Customize the look by altering color, pattern, texture and size of mosaic tiles to suit your tastes and needs. Use slip-resistant tiles or add pops of color with contrasting tiles in order to add dimension within your shower environment. Finally, consider your grout lines when designing for an ideal clean or defined appearance.